Thursday, February 3, 2011

Last few days before we leave Taiwan

We had a pretty easy time getting home. Better than I expected. Braeley did wonderful and each day we move forward baby steps. Her and Alana are inseparable now and Alana tells me everyday how beautiful her baby sister is and how much she loves her. Braeley loves her Baba and she is still working on the mama thing. She doesn't like it when I am not there but doesn't want me to close to her either.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Meghan was the same way with me when she came home. LOVED Daddy but me - eh. Anyways, 2 months later and I think she likes me pretty much now. But she gets really loud and kind of manic when Daddy is around. She is much calmer and regulated with me, and I like that. Congratuations! Welcome home!