Sunday, April 12, 2009

Still waiting to find out where we are in the wait.

Well Easter has come and gone and we still trug on in our wait to get Braeley home. Easter was really hard as it felt like a piece of our family was missing so there was a sadness just below the surface. Alana lost her balloon today and drove that point home as she proceeded to tell us it was ok because the balloon was going to Taiwan and baby Braeley was going to grab hold of the string and the balloon was going to bring her home to us. So now we know even Alana is feeling the missing piece. But all in all it was a quiet Easter the highlight being that we got to see our new grand daughter. Alana is still upset that she didn't get to hold her baby Edie! Alana was very happy when she got up today and found the Easter bunny had left a basket for her baby Braeley also! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and remember with joy we serve a risen Savior!

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