Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

One of the last summer days for 2010.

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VBS July 2010

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Still working to get Braeley home!

Well as of Aug. 25 we now have new paperwork in Taiwan waiting to be translated. Braeley's case has changed hands and they won't accept the old paperwork so we had to get the home study redone, new power of attorney ect. It will be translated then sent back to us to go to TECO again. For those of you who have followed our journey you may remember what a pain TECO was last time! We drove the papers to them {to save time HA} and waited and assumed they were sent on to Taiwan when they had the stamp done and the day our papers were to be put into the court system in Taiwan it was discovered TECO was missing from our file. We called and called them but no one would answer the phone so we drove back in town to see what was going on only to have them tell us we were mistaken and had never been there before. Thankfully Rick had kept the $400 receipt to show we had which shut them up quick and they finally had to admit that our file was lost. AND THEY ONLY TAKE THE ORIGINAL COPYS!!!! So we had to start all over in Taiwan to get new paperwork and get it translated. Then we show up and insist they do it while we wait only they won't refund our money from the first time and they keep saying they have to put a check on top of our file or it can't be stamped but they don't carry cash there so they can't give us our money back {by the way they lost our file the first time but manage to cash the check we paid! Go figure} It was a pain fighting them. Now we have to do round 3 and pay again!!! After 2 years of fighting all this it is soooo hard not to give up! This adoption has been such a roller coaster! Please pray for strength to finish this race God has placed before us , for God to quickly get our papers in through the system again, for a quick court time and for patience with TECO this time around, for a smooth trip for us to bring Braeley home and most of all for a peaceful and joyful gotcha day! My heart is sad for Braeley as 1 month before we leave to go get her, she will be moved to a new orphanage. I know the change will be hard and her little world will fall apart. She is going to be so scared, and alone! But maybe the new environment will make the separation from her foster family whom she has been with since she left the hospital easier, and make for a easier gotcha day! I am praying!


Monday, August 23, 2010